Phriendz with R.U. Sirius
(Sirius – Daddy Phr!day)
Video by Pizza T
i asked my baby for her tantric thing
she tossed away the side of her face
she’s an elevated totally evil wigged-out angel
she shaked clear and showed me her glass spine
i asked my baby for a 5 dollar bill
she says she’s very very smart
she’s a masculine italian gangster movie
she wears those black satin gloves so groovy
i asked my baby to look beneath the sheets
she feels the breath of god caress her
she loves old wiz in Beatle boots
she likes the thrill of the overdosed jester
i asked my baby why we jumped outta the womb
she wants a lie that’s more fulfilling
I smile gee whiz we’re roller-coaster baby-friends
I hope you didn’t dose dose dose the pudding
I hope you didn’t dose dose dose the pudding
I hope you didn’t dose dose dose the pudding
I hope you didn’t dose dose dose the pudding
Part of a MONDOToxicated experience! RU Sirius and his warriors of rock met again using the internet to have band practice and bring you this amazing remix of their own song. Robert Anton Wilson and Terence Mckenna voices were used by the bandmates in the darknet to create the remix.Zane Kesey let us use a recreation of his father’s Furthur bus that Zane personally made himself. Thank you Zane! You are solid!